Springer Vieweg has published the first reference book on digital decarbonization “Digital Decarbonization – Achieving climate goals with a technology-neutral approach” first as an eBook. In the coming days, the title will then finally follow as a hardcover edition.
We would like to thank, in alphabetic order
- Dr. Hubertus Bardt, Managing Director and Head of Science at the Institute of German Business,
- Michael Bourque, Innovation Director at Emera & NB Power Research Centre for Smart Grid Technologies, University of New Brunswick (Canada),
- Prof. Dr. Holger Hanselka, President of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
- Dr. Peter Körte, Chief Technology Officer & Chief Strategy Officer Siemens AG,
- Dr. Stefan Küppers, Chief Technology Officer of Westenergie AG,
- Dr. Felix Chr. Matthes, Research Coordinator Energy and Climate Policy at the Öko-Institut and
- Malcolm McCulloch, Associate Professor in Engineering Science and Group Leader of the Energy and Power Group at the University of Oxford
for their inspiring introductory words. We would also like to thank the numerous stakeholders who have actively supported this book project – eBook and hardcover edition – over the past months.
The authors
Oliver D. Doleski | Thomas Kaiser | Michael Metzger | Stefan Niessen | Sebastian Thiem