Our way of living and working is responsible for a large proportion of global greenhouse gas emissions. Metropolitan areas and industrial zones have a key role to play in achieving the Paris climate targets. The German Smart City Association (Bundesverband Smart City e. V.) is therefore advocating innovative ideas that will enable Smart Cities and Smart Regions to help combat climate change. One viable solution is: Digital Decarbonization.
Oliver D. Doleski | Thomas Kaiser | Michael Metzger | Stefan Niessen | Sebastian Thiem
Our metropolitan areas and industrial centers are major contributors to climate change worldwide. When we live in air-conditioned buildings, manufacture products or use mobility, enormous amounts of energy are required. This releases countless tons of carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. […]
Read the entire article (only in German) at: https://bundesverband-smart-city.org/digitale-dekarbonisierung-als-chance-fuer-smart-city-und-smart-region